About Me

Why Travel?

There is some point in life that your bored, exhausted, full of negativity, stress, and tired of those routinary life from work and home. When that happens, you need to step out, pack your bags, grab your camera and break yourself. Go for TRAVEL! Look for places that opens a new dimension and perspective in life. Traveling is one of a kind thing, you will learn a lot every time you visit a place, their languages or dialects, meeting new friends, cultures, way of living, foods, beliefs, religions or even myths & legends. In the end you will realize that traveling is not just for fun to enjoy but it is a journey towards yourself as you discover your bounds and limits away from your comfort zones.

Hello there! 
I'm John Kevin Balaod

Hobbyist Photographer. Adventurer. Food Lover.  Wanderer. Lover. Blogger. 
Korean Drama Addict. Frustrated Singer. Frustrated Cook. and a Budget Traveler.

A Human Resource Management graduate currently working as a Loan officer. On workdays, I'm dealing with different people with different concerns & problems, computing numbers & loans and managing branch operations but on weekends and holidays I can manage to get around and seek adventure places, chasing sunrises & sunsets, exploring and discovering new places together with my ever supportive girlfriend Johanna Mae and my co-workmates and friends. Follow me on my journey as I traverse places in the Philippines and hopefully around the world to share my happiness to yours and to make you wander and encourage to do more.


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