Manjuyod Sandbar: A Paradise in the middle of the sea

by - Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Don’t know where to start your travel this year? Want to explore but in uncrowded place?
and want to relax and refresh out from heavy workloads? 

Then, Manjuyod White Sandbar is a perfect place for you! Located at Bais City, Negros Island, this beautiful and for me a majestic piece of attraction is one of a kind experience. 

The tempting turquoise green seawater makes you swim and enjoy the place while walking the infinite view of sandbar from afar. Philippines has a lot to offer with in terms of beautiful beaches and this one is an example. 

This amazing elevated huts sit in the middle of the sea caught my attention in going there, as some netizens and locals says the “Maldives of the Philippines”. 

Fortunately, it never fails my expectation when we arrived the white sandbar, even though our trip to Manjuyod Sandbar was moved due bad weather and some of our friends are stranded in the port in Cebu. 

As a travelers tip # 1: if you’re traveling with a group, much better to book early  to hasten your trip, you can directly contact the Bais City Tourism for the arrangement of your trip, they have government boat provided as well as they can assist you to book from private boat operators, I will leave the contact information of the Tourism officer (She’s very friendly and accommodating). 

But if you want to try the Do -It-Yourself travel going there, it’s up to you since it is still manageable, there are outrigger boats in the wharf that you can negotiate the price for you to save more money.   

Boat rental is ranging from 3,000.00 to 5,000.00 depending on the capacity of the boat good for a whole day use and sometimes a dolphin watching comes in your tour. In our case, we rented the good for 10/pax capacity boat, but unfortunately we didn’t watch the dolphin due to strong waves coming from Tañon Strait. So, we headed directly to the sandbar rather than to watch the dolphins.

By the way a travelers tip # 2, you can also ask the tourism officer or the boat operator to prepare for a lunch, roughly about 200.00 per person or you can buy at their Mercado (Supermarket) before going to the sandbar, just in case if you don’t have prepare a food since no stores in the sandbar.  

We arrived in Bais city around 7:00 in the morning from Dumaguete City about an hour of travel.The boat operator welcomes us in Bais City and give some short orientation and later on we go to the Capiñahan wharf where our boat is waiting for us. Our boatman said travel time would roughly 15 to 20 minutes and about 30 to 45 minutes when there is bad weather or strong waves. From the wharf you can visibly see the elevated huts but it’s very small. As we come closer and closer we can’t hide our excitement (mura mig mga gagmay’ng bata nga lipay kayo, nga kanang first time makakita og sandbar). 

When we completely dock at the sandbar, we are very amazed how the sandbar looks, we’re anticipating only a small portion of sandbar, but when we arrived an hectare of sandbar welcomes us, how amazing is that? 

Without further a thou, I’ve set my camera and start taking photos (Instagram na this! para biya sa future, unsaon nalang. LOL!).

Travelers tip # 3, when you want to see the infinite view of the hectare creamy white sand it must be at around 8:00 a.m. to 09:30 a.m. or you can also check your calendar high tide or low tide indicator for best sandbar experience.

After a series of taking pictures, do some photoshoot daw? Haha, for Instagram purposes. Haha, LOL, I leave my camera for a moment and take a walk around the sandbar, just to mesmerize the scenic view of the place and to create a wonderful feeling of achievement between me and the place.

As time passes by, we witness the hectare of creamy white sand gradually covers by water and in less than an hour the sandbar is now fully submerged in water.

 In that short period of time, we rush to manage taking pictures just to capture the very last sandbar that we see. How majestic it is as the sandbar vanishes and turns into water.

When the water gets higher and higher, we stayed in the boat and look how the nature works, and it’s incredible! After taking our lunch, around 1:30 pm we give our final thanks and depart to the place.

A piece of reminder, be a responsible tourist or traveler, LEAVE NO TRACE in the place. by simply bring your garbage back to the mainland for proper disposal or you can ask your boatman if they have available plastic bags.

How to Get there:

Getting in Manjuyod Sandbar is not hard to navigate. From Dumaguete City, it took about an hour by bus to get to Bais City and the fare is roughly about 50.00-70.00 pesos. Tell the bus driver or conductor to drop-off you at Bais Tourism office which is along on the road in front of Mercado de Bais. From there take a tricycle going to the Capiñahan wharf fare around 10.00-15.00 pesos. But if your bringing your own car just headed directly to the wharf, but if you want to take a tour at the Bais City and buy some food is much better for best adventure experience.

Contact Information:

Bais City Tourism office: (035) 402-8338
Rosemae Salig- Tourism officer: 0975-041-4040
A highly recommend going to the sandbar since they can meet you/your group at any convenient time and place in Bais City also they can guide you going to the wharf.
(Note: Booking must be a week before your scheduled trip)

Sample Budget for Day tour only:

Boat Rental
Food and Water
Other expenses
(Note: sample budget is based on 10 persons.)
6,000/10pax = 600.00/pax

If you’re staying overnight on the elevated huts just contact the Bais Tourism for proper booking accommodation and give you some orientation in the place as well the rates of each huts.

Don’t forget to share this to your family and friends! And leave a comment below and tell us your Manjuyod Sandbar experience.

Thanks for reading!

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